That is saying a lot, because for Packer the Puritans are the redwoods in the forest of theology. By returning to the same gospel that saved us in a deeper and deeper way in order to keep ourselves saved. On its face, few evangelicals are going to have any objection to anything written in the article because few evangelicals really know what’s behind the Reformed doctrine she underscores in the article: mortification and vivification.

The intent of the conference was to raise funds for women in 3rd world countries by setting them up in their own home cottage businesses, to fight sex trafficking, and to encourage adoption. II: Virtue and Intellect (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2016), pp. When the grammar is completely co-opted, the group being deceived is divided into two groups: those who know what you mean by the words, and those who think they know what you mean by the words with a slow indoctrination from the latter to the former. The word of God is the means by which God will renew your mind. There is a dangerous and heretical theology being espoused these days known as the prosperity gospel. He says it is not used to designate "the whole work of sanctification, nor the first … The other is what Calvin referred to as “mortification,” in which a person becomes aware of his sin and the judgment of God. The author teaches us that while genuine faith will lead us down pathways of great gain, genuine faith will also take us down pathways of immense pain.

Any religious organization that believes the Bible defines an authority that they have by proxy is by definition a cult. In Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, God puts to death our flesh and raises us up to new life. 5:18, 19). Not only this, but a greater interchange occurs in that the Christian learns to rest less and less in his own performance and more and more in the perfect work of Christ. The clergy has no horizontal authority, but only appeals to the free conscience of man in regard to the one vertical authority. Does no one recognize Amway under the guise of Church? By this we mean you should set your mind on God’s goodness and glory and the better hope that awaits you. Therefore, we should bring his people into our lives. Never again. So, what is the Reformed doctrine of mortification and vivification? Without the Spirit of God, there would be neither mortification nor vivification in the life of the believer.

Answer: To vivify is to give life to something or someone. Mortification and vivification is our resurrection life until all death is killed and eternal life is ours in the light of the Resurrected One. “Where we land on these issues is perhaps the most significant factor in how we approach our own faith and practice and communicate it to the world.