", Veteran Carl Bentley, who was also at Hacksaw Ridge, says in the documentary, "It's as if God had his hand on [Doss'] shoulder. The Real Story. Die Trophäen für den besten Ton und den besten Schnitt gewann Hacksaw Ridge. Mit dem Leben von Desmond T. Doss beschäftigte sich vor Hacksaw Ridge bereits der DokumentarfilmThe Conscientious Objector von Terry Benedict aus dem Jahr 2004.

Despite knowing the story’s facts, Desmond Jr. says he does recall asking his father a personal question about that night. Watch the PEOPLE & EW Red Carpet Live Oscars pre-show on Feb. 26 at 5 p.m. ET/2 p.m. PT on the People/Entertainment Weekly Network (PEN). "It started out as harassment and then it became abusive," Benedict says. Hacksaw Ridge orientiert sich am realen Leben von Desmond Thomas Doss (1919 – 2006). UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #2: (As unidentified soldier, speaking Japanese). "Hacksaw Ridge" director Mel Gibson recreated the battle. But as a Seventh-day Adventist, he had also vowed not to kill. I just kept praying, 'Lord, please help me get one more.' Here's Desmond Doss from the documentary. “I did see on Facebook recently that someone had written that their grandfather wouldn’t be alive without my dad saving them. “If you’re a slave to the complete facts, than you’re not making a movie that is compelling,” argues Mechanic. During that battle, Doss sprinted through heavy enemy fire to save his fellow soldiers. He hoped that by joining the army as a medic, he could avoid carrying a weapon, and even believed he might be allowed to rest in honor of the Sabbath on Saturdays. Copyright 2018 NPR. Trotz seiner bewussten Waffenverweigerung wurde ihm später für das hohe Risiko, das er eingegangen war, um seine Kameraden zu retten, die Medal of Honor verliehen, was ihn zum ersten mit dieser militärischen Würde ausgezeichneten Soldaten seiner Art machte. As depicted in the movie, young Doss was captivated by a framed poster of the Ten Commandments hanging in his childhood home. Ansonsten ist er ebenso brutal wie Die…, Mel Gibson kehrt mit Hacksaw Ridge als grimmig gefühlter Anti-Kriegs-Film an die Front der Filmindustrie zurück, während Andrew Garfield…, Demut steht Mel Gibson gut. It went on and on and on, and even after he’s dead it’s still going on now with this movie,” he explains, adding, “How can the war be over for you when you’re missing an arm, or missing an eye? And then it became abusive.

“The war is never over and it was the same thing with my dad. Desmond Doss is credited with saving 75 soldiers during one of the bloodiest battles of World War II in the Pacific — and he did it without ever carrying a weapon. [...] Es ist hart, das mächtig beeindruckende, moralisch inkohärente Spektakel, das Hacksaw Ridge ist, zu…, Mel Gibson geht bei seinem Comeback auf Nummer sicher. The battle at Hacksaw Ridge, on the island of Okinawa, was a close combat fight with heavy weaponry. Der in Virgina geborene Mann meldete sich 1942 im Zweiten Weltkrieg mit 23 Jahren für den Militärdienst, weigerte sich aufgrund seines persönlichen Glaubens jedoch, eine Waffe bei sich zu tragen. In the movie, a young Doss wrestles a gun out of his father’s hand during a fight between his parents. I think this is cowardice. ", Under a barrage of gunfire and explosions, Doss crawled on the ground from wounded soldier to wounded soldier. Doch eines macht Doss zu etwas Besonderem: Er trägt keine Waffe bei sich. "He just didn't fit into the Army's model of what a good soldier would be," says Terry Benedict, who made a documentary about Doss called The Conscientious Objector. Even at a very private, intimate level, he just wanted to give all the glory to God and never seemed to acknowledge his role.” Still, Desmond Jr remembers wanting to ask, “Did he not understand that it’s not right to stand up in the middle of a hail fire of bullets?”, Doss was happy to speak about the battle with church groups and audiences all over the country, but Desmond Jr. says the scars from the war never faded.