Food packaging is the largest application for thermoformed containers, trays, cups, and tubs. In Miglyol 812, no degradation or antioxidant release took place, even after 8 wk at 25 °C. Fracture evaluation of plasticized polylactic acid / poly (3-HYDROXYBUTYRATE) blends for commodities replacement in packaging applications. Recycled bottles crushed, chopped into flakes, and pressed into bales. Physical aging significantly affects the physical properties of the amorphous phase in glassy or partly glassy polymers. Direct inquiries to author Jamshidian (E‐mail: majid.jamshidian@ensaia.inpl‐ They showed some modifications in energy at break and maximum stress of all the SCORIM processed PLLA. Furthermore, the plasticizer should not be prone to migration into the materials in contact with the plasticized PLA. Progress in green nanocomposites for high-performance applications. The natural environments contain chemical, biological, and physical forces with impinging factors like temperature, humidity, pH, O2 presence, and so on, which determine the rate and products of the biodegradation process (Zee 2005). Both 4030‐D and 4040‐D had lower Tm (melting point) and Tg (glass transition temperature) than PET and PS, which makes PLA better for heat‐sealing and thermal processing. Poly(lactic acid) microcapsules: Tailoring properties via solid state polymerization. Obtaining high molecular weight polyesters with good mechanical properties via this method is not easy, although precondensates may be of interest for the preparation of biodegradable glues or lacquers, since the –OH and ‐COOH end groups allow cross‐linking with suitable inorganic or organic multivalent additives (Hartmann 1998). PLA is also used in biomedical applications, with various uses as internal body components mainly in the of restricted load for example, interference screws in ankle, knee, and hand; tacks and pins for ligament attachment; rods and pins in bone, plates and screws for craniomaxillofacial bone fixation (Lim and others 2003); and also for surgical sutures, implants, and drug delivery systems (Furukawa and others 2005; Mills and others 2006). Polylactic acid (PLA) Cutting edge production for biopolymer. As a result, there is concern in the recycling community that PLA bottles, at high enough levels, would contaminate the PET recycle stream due to chemical and thermal property differences. I. Mutsuga and others (2008) determined the PLA migration products for 4 different PLA sheets, which are used in lunch boxes in Japan. … Bioactive compounds that can be found naturally in certain foods have physiological benefits and might help to reduce the risk of certain diseases, including cancer. Different factors like particle size and shape of polymer, temperature, moisture, crystallinity, % D‐isomer, residual lactic acid concentration, molecular weight, molecular weight distribution, water diffusion, and metal impurities from the catalyst will affect the polymer degradation rate. Natural Monomers: A Mine for Functional and Sustainable Materials - Occurrence, Chemical Modification and Polymerization. They observed the WVTR of PLA films decreased monotonically with increasing Xc from 0% to 20%, while leveled off for Xc exceeding 30%; so they suggested this change due to the higher resistance of restricted amorphous regions to water vapor permeation compared with that of the free amorphous regions.