Panasonic is a global leader in unified communication solutions for business.
The Panasonic PBX makes it possible to remotely control servers in the main office. -Call Histroy up to 1,000 Calls*3
By using various types of IP PBX terminals, you can customize the communication infrastructure as you want. There are 2 types of Panasonic brand applications that work on smartphones to integrate communication platforms with mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. From a branch office you can check the presence of people in charge at your company’s head office through a network which connects the separate hubs. By visualizing your employees' phone call data, you can manage each employee's productivity. Our website uses cookies and similar tools to improve its performance and enhance your user experience and by continuing to use this website without changing your settings, you consent to their use. Without starting-up PCs, you can simply dial the designated extension and start video communications within the arm's reach. Trademarks and registered trademarks- Microsoft, Windows, and Outlook are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.- Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
*1 Push notification is not supported when used under a KX-NS1000 or KX-HTS system. From software version 6, the KX-NS series has an additional new feature: "Employee Productivity Management". -Microsoft Outlook Integration
Key features of Panasonic UC Pro apps are the following.
There are 4 types of application levels according to your needs.
Built for the demands of today’s flexible working environments, Panasonic’s KX-NSV300 Software Communication System merges the virtual and real worlds to take your communications to the next level. You can link with CA and Panasonic partner’s applications to provide various applications. -Contacts up to 1,000*3. By utilizing these features, you can create a simple call centre feature without buying any external devices. ã»CA Basic-Express (Built-in to KX-NS series)
-Call Pickup Group
Recommend Products and Service.
This allows staff in distant locations to communicate over telephone extensions. -Voice Mail*
It can also integrate with Microsoft® Enchange Scheduler which allows you to plan and share the schedule among your teams.
The user simply needs to connect to the corporate IP network over a secure managed broadband connection to enable the IP Software Phone. Remember when work was only done in offices?
Todayâs employees are on the move, and the workplace is more and more decentralized. Customers always need an immediate response. Global Links (Home Network System) With Employee Productivity Management, you can âseeâ when each employee begins and ends their work day. IP-PBX KX-NSX2000/NSX1000.
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A wide variety of devices are also available that allow people to use them while working anywhere.
Panasonic UC PRO unified communication solution. ã»CA Pro
-Integrated with Outlook® and Windows®10 Apps