Heavy dependence on sporty children to deliver a respectable looking scholarships result.Perse Upper is very different, glad yours are happy there. Message deleted by MNHQ. This is nothing to fear as most schools you will apply to will take this into account, and there will be no discrimination against him at the school for that. This is page 1 of 1 (This thread has 5 messages.). I recently heard kids in KCS normally come from rich family compare to the Perse or Stephen Perse. After school visit of the Perse, Stephen Perse and Kings College School, our preference school is King's College School in west road Cambridge. Will that be lots changes to the school? I fear I will bore you if I continue and have likely just repeated a lot of what you have been told, so please feel free to PM me about anything you are wondering, especially over other prep/lower schools in the area and I will collate as much information as I can. I think the wealth and poshness or otherwise of the parents at the different schools will depend on who you talk to / know. You will go back in time to medieval Cambridge to discover how the University all started, visiting colleges over 700 years old and hearing their history. TBH if your aim for your ds is Eton, I think you are just going to have to get comfortable with wealthy parents and look at which school gives him the best chance of getting in.

Yes there are a few super rich families in each year, but for the most part we're all just regular people. The children do sit a rather higher equivalent of SATs and the results are shared with parents. The parents’ voice is dismissed. It was by far the best choice for us and we really love the school. Do you need to book in advance to visit King's College? If you book with Tripadvisor, you can cancel up to 24 hours before your tour starts for a full refund. Ah FFS. I know lots of parents at St John's / The Perse and the ratio of rich parents is way higher. We felt very uncomfortable at both schools when viewing as we didn't feel like we fit at all. I've no direct experience of Eton but know people who have taught at other fairly major public schools and if you're worrying about the wealth/poshness of parents at the Cambridge private schools then that will be magnified 10 times over at somewhere like Eton I would imagine. Used to have. DD Yr5 and DS Yr3 next year. We live in Duxford and it's absolutely perfect. It has its new sports hall, which is something that will be of very much use for both sports and other functions. We looked around Kings and quite liked it (it reminded me of my own prep school, which probably helped). I am a Swiss high school student who came to Cambridge for a language trip. I don't know about SP. SP the facility is really poor.

The vast majority of the state primary schools are just fine. He's at St Bede's.Agree re music - I know 2 people in National Youth Orchestra. Then there was a new head and newish approach to promoting the school.Pastoral care talked the talk but didn't walk the walk. King's College is a private institution that was founded in 1946. Yes a friend who has kids there said about Head leaving. Share your story - £100 voucher to be won, St Faith's or King's College School in Cambridge, Talk widget showing discussions of the day & trending threads, Subscribe to Mumsnet emails direct to your inbox. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,231, its setting is city, and the campus size is 33 acres. Have you not looked at Perse Pelican/Perse Prep too? We are thinking to move to the independent schools in Cambridge. Latest reviews: ... St Faith's or King's College School in Cambridge (5 Posts) Add message | Report. Kings parade is virtually empty on a Sunday morning and you can enjoy the majestic beauty of one of the. Not many but still had some. This is more likely to be St John's or Kings than the Perse as they go up to 13 and will teach to common entrance I assume. What's the best area to move that are convenient for school mini bus or car sharing? To wonder about the heating bills for WFH? There is also a schools’ fair in which most major schools nationally and all major local schools are represented, where you can survey the opportunities of schools without having to trip all the way to them.Also you mentioned of your DS’s late birthday. Had a day out in Cambridge and so we did the usual sightseeing things. Everything commercialised, such a shame as we are talking about our future.