‘Likeness is the one element which must have strongly stimulated the group feelings in bringing men, women and children together.
PreserveArticles.com is a free service that lets you to preserve your original articles for eternity. These differences are either natural or they can be developed in course of the process of socialisation and specialisation. This alone, makes possible, the we-feeling. Mere similarity or likeness will brings human society very close to animal society. Society to run smoothly there must be some differences. Culture is a thing which only human beings possess. Privacy Policy 8.
It is likeness or similarity, which provides for understanding each by the other. The similarity which we find in social relationship of human beings is based upon the identity of interests, objectives, mores, needs, traditions, etc.
This fact of interdependence is very much visible in the present day society. Culture is the expression of human nature in our ways of living and thinking, in behaving and acting as members of society. This article provides information about the basic elements or characteristics which constitute society: Man is a social animal. Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1.
Family, for example, is based on the biological interdependence of sexes. The relationship between pen and ink, earth and sun, a book and bookshelf, fire and wood is physical relationship because these physical objects do not have any reciprocal awareness what so ever.
Unless people cooperate with each other they cannot lead a happy and comfortable life. Both are equally essential in a healthy society. Our mission is to liberate knowledge. In this way abstractness is a significant ingredient of society.
It makes us think of the process of struggle through which all things have come into existence. Privacy Policy
Following are the important elements or characteristics of society. Society also implies difference. All are the informal means of social control.
Privacy Policy Family rests on co-operation with one another to live happily.
There is an important factor of society. Like him some other creatures such as, ants, birds, monkeys, apes, etc., also live in society. It includes our attitude, moral values beliefs, ideas, ideologies, our institutions, political, legal economic, our sciences and philosophies.
Society implies interdependence.
A society based exclusively on likeness or uniformity is bound to loose in socialites.
TOS People establish similar social relationships in a society on account of similar traditions, folkways, mores etc.
Without this awareness, there can be no social relationship, and therefore no society.
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Likeness is the link-up for mutuality.
TOS 7. Society is based on we-feeling which means a feeling of belonging together. They differ from each other in respect of their interests, capacities, abilities and tendencies etc. High quality example sentences with “elements of society” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English But side by side competitions, conflicts, tensions, revolts and suppressions are also there. People cannot form any sort of association, intimacy and friendship without some understanding among themselves. Thus, similarity or likeness is the basis of society. Old men die and new one are born. This does not exclude diversity or variation. Likewise, communities, social groups and nations are also interdependent. It is the we-feeling which can distinguish societies from one another. He can by no means cut adrift from society. All are the informal means of social control. people peruse different activities because of these differences. An understanding of this sort is possible owing to the likeness which every individual finds in other individual.
Differences is necessary to society but it by itself does not create society. Society is not static. Once some are aware of the mutual likeness, they, certainly differentiate against those who are not like them.
The characteristics common to human beings include among other things, interests, attitudes, tendencies, anatomy etc. Not only cooperation but also conflict in necessary for the formation of society.
Society is based on co-operation. It exists among the like-beings, like-bodied and like-minded. In order to interpret society in a wider sense, it is necessary to examine the basic elements or characteristics which constitute society. Every Society is unique because it has its own culture.