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You will receive an email for password reset, Try searching some other keywords or apply different set of filters, Please, try reloading page or go back to Home page. This Red and Golden Lining Pattern Chiffon Indian Fabric-4366 is made from Silk Fabric. The S- & Z- twisted yarns, makes Chiffon fabric accessible for infinite customisation, also giving it a slightly crumpled shine & feel. Color of this Fabric is Blue and Golden. Breite: 150 cm It's more than I expected. Width is 110 centimeter or 44 inches and Length is 100 CM or 40 inch. , and chiffon used in collaboration with laces and sequins. Fabriclore’s Chiffon Collection showcases a mix of plain viscose fabrics decked with zari borders, hand-block & floral digital prints. Everyday low prices with fast shipping.
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