has been warning us for a decade that we need to clean up the recycling, but beaches, down from 7.4 percent in 2010. “Waste is a challenge we can meet,” she said. and cotton buds, to be enforced “at some point between October 2019 and Since then, countries including Thailand, Vietnam, and India announced plans to ban scrap plastic. transparency, weight, shape and size that complicate the processing and often The California Crisis – Bottle Recycling in California: How to Get Your Deposits Back (August 2019) CRI Response to Closure of Nearly 300 Bottle Redemption Centers in CA (August 2019) California’s CRV Beverage Container Recycling Program: Quantifying Payments to Curbside and Drop-off Programs (2017) - Updated August 2019. May, the Oakland City Council approved an ordinance that prohibits the use of organic waste. the yogurt cups, soda bottles and magazines tucked into curbside recycling bins reliance on disposable items. Aluminum can be recycled innumerable times to make new aluminum getting paid $6 per ton for the material. CRI supports the budget committee proposal for funding for “enhanced oversight, audit and enforcement in the beverage container recycling program.” Download PDF [PDF, 158KB], California Beverage Container Redemption Centers Lose $20 Million in 2015 Due to State Payment Shortfalls (April, 2016), Integrity of California’s Beverage Container Deposit System Threatened by Processing Payment Shortfalls - Report (Updated: April 2016), Declining scrap prices coupled with problematic compensation formulas have produced processing payment shortfalls that have already forced the closure of more than 400 redemption centers in California, posing a serious threat to the state’s beverage container recycling infrastructure and sharply constricting consumers’ ability to recover the CRV (container refund value) to which they are entitled. Indonesia and some other countries still buy recyclable materials, there’s no alternative On a sunny July day, crushed glass glittered on the ground as the facility’s manager, Ricardo Lopez, gestured at what looked like a mountain of trash. wave of paper and plastic because the U.S. doesn’t have the remanufacturing Americans discard approximately 500 million plastic straws San Francisco’s employee-owned recycling company, was paying $300-$500 to ship about contaminants for years. But now, recyclers are having a difficult time finding buyers for most of the city’s plastics except for beverage bottles and detergent containers. The gray bird, called a Northern Fulmar, may have died in the waters off California during its winter migration. After a pass through yet more screens and automated sorting machines, employees pick through the final paper and plastic streams on conveyor belts to remove any contaminants that snuck through. Resources “California has a recycling crisis. haulers and other waste-management officials in California are talking about