For more information, please contact the school. Ours is a one-form entry school and the teachers seem over-stretched dealing with a very wide ability so the top and bottom seem to get neglected a bit. I would say 80% of students are active in class instead of just to the “best students” participating in class discussions or during class time.

Email: To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. What is it like for sixth formers/ Is there bullying? It's a shade too far for us really but does sound amazing. Anyone got any tips? What are your favorite school events or traditions? This is where I find our state school has a weakness. It looks like a lovely, balanced school - not hot-house style, but I want to feel dc will be taught at a somewhat faster pace than his current school manages, otherwise I might as well keep him there.

Expected to love it - but was very "meh". 78bunion I don't know where you are getting your information from but as a parent of 2 children in the foundation there has been an increased emphasis on academics. It is still around 400th in the country for A levels when the local comp is more like 300th and Haberdashers 20th, Merchant Taylors 55, St Paul's 4th, UCS 28th etc etc I suppose at least it is about Aldenham which is about 750.....If you put increased emphasis on academics - what does that mean?

I believe Mill Hill is going to become very popular now that the Saturday school has been abolished.

Some of the teachers may be tough at grading and might give you a little less on one quiz, but it’s definitely worth th experience. Without revealing too much, is yours a very high achieving state school or do they stream/ set in the latter years?

To think people saying “I can’t get a job in a supermarket because I’m over qualified” is bollocks? I was assuming that the top one or two sets for maths and English would be a good standard above what goes on in dc's state primary. If you are looking for an independent (or private) school to send your child to, it is important to consider many aspects of the school, such as the number of students, location, facilities, gender of students etc.If you are searching for an academically excellent school, it is also a good idea to consider the GCSE league table.

Diverse students and faculty. Interestingly there is a mention of MH on another thread and standards going up...and I don't think it was any of you on here saying it. Belmont is also an excellent prep school.

I can see that you are trying to make sure too for that reason.

I did not mean it was a nasty school. However, they are addressing this with the cessation of Saturday school from this september which will make a difference to many of those families and the introduction of weekly boarding which will give more flexibility. I haven't heard of any bullying. They recognise that they are unlikely to ever compete academically with HABS / City /UCS and with their current academic standards their results are not as good as mill hill county and are miles away from QE boys both of which are state schools.

That they tell children results matter? I too have come to the conclusion that a one-on-one chat with the head is the key and will be much more revealing than the open day, as is the case with any school.